Selasa, 26 Februari 2008



• Pay attention to words that are stressed
o “The doctor and a nurse are talking with a patient”

• Take a quick look at the photograph before you hear the four statements.

• Ask yourself these questions about the pictures:
o Where was it taken?
o What is the main subject?
o What is happening?
o Who are the people?

For your own practice, collect some pictures, and answer the questions below:

o What is in the picture?
o Make your own sentences about the picture.

• Prepare yourself for authentic speech (contractions)

Informal English Formal English
he’s he is or he has
they’re they are
it’s it is or it has
there’s there is

• Prepare yourself for the language of description

• Grammatical forms usually used are Present Continuous, Present simple, present perfect, future,

• Listen carefully to each statement about the photograph. Half of a sentence might be true but another half is not. For example: “He is adjusting the dials on a television set”. In the picture you may see somebody is adjusting the dials of something, but not of TV.

• Listen to all of the choices. Choice B may sound like the correct answer, but it is important to listen to choices C and D, because one of them might give a better description of the picture.

• Get used to the timing and speed of delivery.


• Focus on the purpose of the question (time, location, reason, Method of transportation, person, identification, etc.?)

Question Information asked for
What time does the bus for
Stuttgart leave? ………………………………………Time

Where did you put the plans for
the new office building? ……………………….. Location

How will you be traveling
to the conference? ………………Method of transportation

Do you have any idea why she’s
decided to quit her job? …………………………..Reason

Has Peter decided who will
be arranging the deliveries
while you’re away? ……………………………….Person

Which cup of coffee is yours? ……………Identification
• Listen for question words. It helps you to identify the purpose of the question.

• Be prepared for questions without a question word. The answer to such questions might be “yes” “no” or “I’m not sure.”

1. _____________ helping me with this suitcase?
2. _____________ buy that car, is he?
3. _____________ on Friday, doesn’t she?
4. _____________ first visit to the United Kingdom?
5. _____________ a ride to the theater this evening?
6. _____________ stay late today, or finish this in the morning?
7. _____________ to confirm that appointment?
8. _____________ coffee, or tea?
9. _____________ last year’s conference, didn’t we?
10. _____________ that proposal done on time?

Now choose one suitable response to each question from this list:
A. That’s right.
B. No, I’ve never been there.
C. That would be a great help.
D. I just don’t see how I can.
E. No, she didn’t.
F. I certainly hope not.
G. No, I’ve been here a couple of times.
H. No, not at all.
I. Not as far as I know.
J. Coffee, please.
K. Yes, that’s an excellent proposal.
L. I’ve never seen that suitcase before.
M. She actually goes on Saturday morning.
N. We might as well get it done today.

• Prepare yourself for authentic English speech.
o ‘He’s’ for ‘he is’… or ‘he has’…
o ‘Won’t’ instead of saying ‘will not’…
o Elisions (omission of a sound)
Informal spoken English Formal spoken English
 wanna want to
 dunno do not know
 sanwich sandwich
 what sis what is this
 nex week next week
 gimme give me
o Phonetic linking
Spoken English Written English
 par-kings parking is
 wha-ta-bout what about
 doe-sit-work does it work
o Vocabulary
Informal English Formal English
 lots of many
 boss director or supervisor
 get in touch with contact
• Listen for a natural response to the question
“Who’s going to be in charge of processing pay-checks now?
a. Yes, I have a credit card
b. The assistant accountant
c. It’s a complicated process.

“Where is the employee cafetaria?
a. He’s in the cafetaria today
b. Yes, I’m really hungry
c. I’m not sure; I just started here.


• Read the question first, and if possible with the four options, before you listen to the conversation.

(Woman) Have you heard? Mr. Olmos is going to Africa.
(Man) Is that right? I guess he’ll be gone for some time.
(Woman) Not too long, really. Just for fourteen days.

In your test book, you will read:

How long will Mr. Olmos be away?
(A) Four days.
(B) One week.
(C) Two weeks.
(D) Over one month.

(Woman) Is that today’s paper? I want to see if our advertisement is in it?
(Man) No, this is yesterday’s. Today’s hasn’t come in yet.
(Woman) Oh, I’ll call downstairs and see if they have a copy.

In your test book, you will read:

What does the woman want to do?
(A) Put an advertisement in the paper.
(B) Order a newspaper subscription.
(C) Have some photocopies made.
(D) Check the paper for an advertisement.

• Try to imagine the setting of the conversation and who is speaking
o Who are the speakers?
o Where are they?
o What are they doing?
o What is their relationship?

Certain vocabulary words in the conversation can also help you figure out the setting.

assembly line plant supervisor
shift foreman
technicians production line

You might guess that the setting of the conversation is a factory or a production facility of some kind.

If you hear the words:

patients x-ray
doctor exam
appointment medicine

You might guess that the conversation takes place in hospital or medical clinic.

• Look at all four choices carefully before answering

Man : Sally, can you give me a hand with this marketing
project this afternoon?
Woman : Well, I need to finish this product proposal today, then
I’m going to catch a train at 5:15.
Man : OK. Could we start on it first thing tomorrow morning,

What does the man want Sally to do?
(A) Postpone the proposal
(B) Hand him some papers
(C) Tell him what time the train leaves
(D) Help him with a project

Choice (A) mentions the woman’s proposal. It’s true that she is working on a proposal. However, the man never tells her to delay working on it.

In choice (B), the man asks for “a hand,” which means to ask for help. However, he does not ask her to hand or to give him anything.

Choice (C) mentions what time the train leaves. The woman does mention the time of the train, but this is not what the man wants to know.

Choice (D) is correct because the man asks for help, or a hand, with the project.

• Be aware of different ways of answering the question

When will the woman leave for Hawaii?

Man : I’m very tired. At least it’s Friday and I can sleep late
Woman : I won’t be sleeping late. I’ll be up at five since the plane
for Hawaii leaves at seven.
Man : That’s right. Tomorrow, you’re starting your vacation. Have a
good time.

There are different ways to answer the preceding question. Look at the following choices. Which one are possible answers to the question?

When will the woman leave for Hawaii?
A. Tomorrow
B. Today
C. At five
D. At seven
E. In the morning
F. In the afternoon
G. On Friday
H. On Saturday
Choices A, D, E, and H all correctly answer the question. Any of these answers may appear as the correct choice on the test.

• Understand the purpose of the question

(Man) I’m calling to let you know that your credit card payment is
several weeks overdue?
(woman) Hmm… I thought I paid that last month. Perhaps it was
delivered to the wrong address.
(Man) Well … please check your records to see if you’ve already paid.

Here are two possible questions “when” questions for the conversation:
1. When was the payment due?
2. When does then woman think she made the payment?


• Read the question first
o General Information questions:
 What is the purpose of this talk?
 Where is the talk being given?
 Who is the speaker?

o Questions about details:
 What is the final destination of the flight?
 How long is the flight to Dubai?
 Where will the plane stop first?
To answer questions about details, you will need to pay attention to specific facts, times, and dates.

o Inference Questions:
The information that you need to answer a question may not always be stated directly. You may need to make inferences, or draw conclusions, from information given in the talk.

• Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word of the talk.
• Listen to the whole talk before answering the questions
• Pay special attention to the introduction and the first part of the talk.
Before each short talk begins, you will hear the speaker say something like:
Questions 81 and 82 refer to the following announcement…(or talk, advertisement, speech, etc.)
If you know that the short talk is a speech, that fact narrows down the context s where it could have taken place.


• Prepare yourself for formal written English
Informal English Formal English
o I’m sorry I can’t come I regret that I will be unable to attend
o Please call back I look forward to your reply
o Can you give me a hand with this? I would appreciate your assistance in
this matter.

• Decide if the question requires knowledge of grammar or vocabulary
o Everyone should have periodic eye examinations to make sure any problems are quickly ….
(A) produced
(B) responded
(C) discovered
(D) prepared

o Everyone should have periodic eye examinations to make sure any problems are quickly ….
(A) discovering
(B) discover
(C) discovered
(D) to discover

• Consider the overall meaning of a sentence to determine a missing vocabulary item
The firm …… Mr. Morrison as its accountant after it was learned that he had not been mishandling funds.
(A) reinstated
(B) distracted
(C) determined
(D) reprimanded

• Apply your knowledge of prefixes, word stems, and suffixes to select the best vocabulary item

Prefix: a letter or group of letters at the beginning of a word
Stem: the main part of a word
Suffix: a letter or a group of letters at the end of a word

anti- against
auto- self
bi- two
ex- out, former
mono- one
multi- many
pre- before
syn- with
tri- three
re- again
un- not
fore- before
under- below
co- together

bio- life
biblio book
cycle circle, round
demo people
dict say
dorm sleep
duct lead
flect bend
graph writing
labor work
lingua language
temp time
vis see

-er a person who does something
-ful full of
-less without
-ly forms an adverb from an adjective
-ness forms a noun from an adjective
-ion forms a noun from a verb

biographer a person who writes a story of a life
refection light bent back
monolingual speaking one language
dormitory a place to sleep
laboratory a place to work
laborer a person who works
• Note that some words are often used together in set expressions
Mr. Dupre has asked me to send his … regards to you and your staff.
(A) warm
(B) firm
(C) close
(D) good

He has … a great deal of time in this project.
(A) passed
(B) spent
(C) cost
(D) paid

• Identify the missing part of the speech to determine the correct grammatical form
Please …… your face with a mask when using welding materials.
(A) protection
(B) protect
(C) protecting
(D) protective

• Look for grammatical form of relationships between parts of the sentence
The notebook computer is the …. profitable of all the product that are presently on sale.
(A) as
(B) so
(C) more
(D) most

Mrs. Hayashi …. from her trip to Jakarta late yesterday evening.
(A) return
(B) returned
(C) returns
(D) be returned

• Try to develop your knowledge of vocabulary


• Remember that the words NOT underlined are correct
• Think of the agreement between Subject and the verb, and the agreement between a pronoun with a noun to which it refers.
Three colleagues from China, who will be conducting research in this country,
needs housing in the downtown area from June 7 to July 31.

Because there were only a few applicants for the position, it is expected that
Mr. Dasilva will be able to do all the interviewing by itself.

• Check each underlined item to see if it contains an error
o Because some of our existing clients will not requiring our services
this season, we must increase our marketing efforts.
• Become familiar with phrasal verbs and collocations
We recognize that many of you have had to put up occasional disruptions in the
workplace during our renovations.

In this sentence, there is a missing preposition in choice (C). To put up with something means to tolerate it. This is an example of a phrasal verb, which is a verb that is combined with one or more prepositions and/or adverbs to form a meaning distinct from its parts. Learning phrasal verbs and using them correctly can improve your English proficiency as well as help you prepare for the Error Recognition section of the test.

Here are some examples of commonly used phrasal verbs and their meanings:

Phrasal verbs
get through with …………finish
get into ……………… enter
get on with ……………. continue
get over ……………….. recover from
look into ………………. Investigate
look forward to ……….. anticipate gladly
look over ……………… examine
put in for ……………… request formally
put off ………………… postpone
put up with …………… tolerate

• Consider the structure of complex sentences (dependent clauses, independent clauses)
• Study the sentence for indications of time and space
The new brochures describing all our services were delivered to us late yesterday
and were shipped out early tomorrow morning.

The fastest way to get to England from France by car is over the tunnel linking
the two countries.


• Allow enough time to read and reread the passages
• Become familiar with the layout of texts used in the workplace
• Read the sentence that introduces the text
o Question 153-164 refer to the following instructions
The word instructions tells you that you will read a series of steps or directions. If you want to identify a particular step in the instructions, for example, you can assume that those steps will be written in the order in which they will be carried out.
• Relate what you read to what you already know
• Skim the entire passage quickly once to get an idea of what the passage is about.
• Read the questions before you read the text again
• When you want to identify the main idea, read the title and the first sentence of each paragraph



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